
Architectural Design & Interiors

  • Commercial & Retail Establishments
  • Educational Facilities
  • Fitness facilities
  • Handicap Accessibility Alterations
  • Healthcare & Laboratories
  • Hotels and conference Facilities
  • Institutional
  • Office & Lobby Interiors
  • Parking Garages
  • Residential - Multi-story apartments, Single family
  • Warehousing & Industrial Buildings

Exterior Restoration & Historic Preservation

  • Balcony & Terrace Restoration & Repairs
  • Exterior Repairs & Waterproofing 
  • Historic Restoration – expert in brick, terra cotta, limestone, cast stone, marble and concrete
  • Local Law 11/98 Inspections & Reports
  • Physical Condition Surveys
  • Roof Replacement
  • Window & Door Replacement

Engineering: Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Design

  • Boiler Plants & Conversion
  • Chiller Systems 
  • Cooling Towers
  • Electrical Services & Distribution Systems
  • Fire Alarm Systems
  • HVAC Systems
  • Hot Water Heaters
  • Interior & Exterior Lighting Systems
  • Lighting Design
  • low-voltage systems
  • Oil Tank Installations
  • Plumbing Systems
  • Sprinkler Systems
  • Water Filtration Systems

Engineering: Structural Design  

  • Balcony Repairs
  • Building Design & Repairs
  • Garage Design & Repairs
  • Low Rise Residential & Commercial Buildings
  • Plaza Design & Restoration
  • Structural Surveys & Diagnosis
  • Sidewalk & Vault Repairs
Green Design

Green Design

We are member of the U.S. Green Building Council and six (6) of our staff are LEED Certified. Our staff are also certified to perform energy audits in New York City and throughout the metropolitan area. We are currently conducting benchmarking studies and energy audits to allow our clients to comply with the N.Y.C. Energy Code requirements.

Alteration Reviews

Alteration Reviews

Co-op and condo boards use our services to ensure that any proposed apartment alterations by an individual owner will not adversely impact the building or adjacent owners. Lawless & Mangione had all of the necessary design expertise in-house, to provide a comprehensive review of any proposed alteration. Particular attention is paid to sound transmission, electrical loads, potential work water damage and structural integrity.

Construction Inspection

A critical part of undertaking the repair of an existing structure or the construction  of a new space or building is to ensure that it's construction goes smoothly and that the contractor adheres to the design documents. Lawless & Mangione has the capability to provide any level of construction inspection required by a given project and desired by the client. Our staff is experienced with diverse project types and are committed to an orderly execution of the work. We also have a full time staff of field engineers dedicated to the inspection of exterior facade repairs to ensure that field conditions are addressed quickly and appropriately.